Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tuesday Sept 22, - Alphabet story

A man walked into a bar and spotted his best friend.

"Bestie hey what's up."

"Cleaning up the bar man, what about you."

"Dunno" he said spotting the record player.

Excitedly he walked towards it.

"Fun fun fun" he exclaimed.

"Good golly it looks even better up close."

"How about you give it a try" his friend said.

"I would love to."

Johnny turned on the record player to gangnam style.

"Killing it!!!"

Laughing, Johnny realized he was very tired.

"Man I could sure use a break" he sighed.

"No breaks keep dancing."
"Oh man I need to sit down"
Press on never give up he thought
Quite the doozy he had dancing
Right then he collapsed
Shockingly he kept dancing
Twist twist turn dance
Ugh he groaned in tiredness
Very tired
Waiting for his friend
Young man dead man


Wednesday Sept 24, - Endearing quality

My endearing quality is to make people laugh. Whether crude humor or a silly joke I will always try if you have an open perspective towards me. If you make me feel welcome I will make you laugh. I will say some of the stupidest things and ask the dumbest questions. But that's okay in my opinion. When you're around a true friend the little thing that you say or do wont really affect their perspective towards you.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday Sept 16, - Spoon's perspective

A very dirty object
needing to be cleaned
oh no here comes the human don't see me
Oh my what's this how could I miss this spoon
I should probably wash it
In the dishwasher you go :)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday Sept. 11, - Music Critique

"Pumped up Kicks". It is a song by Foster the People. I personally like this song it has a nice beat and its not to let you down. However, the lyrics, not the way they are written. Moreover that how the lyrics are sung sound weak and are nearly overshadowed by the beat behind them. However I feel that this is done purposely or that the singers have bad vocals. Some parts that I don't like about this song is the amount of voice changing, and auto tune used. Overall I like it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday Sept 9, Film Review

Hugo. Hugo is a boy who hangs from clocks. He controls time. But he does so by manipulation. He brings many clocks into space and swings on them to change time. Hugo looks about ten. But that doesn't stop him, no it only increases his courage to swing from clocks in space. You may ask how he is breathing. Well he uses his imagination you see. None of this is real its just all inside his mind. So the world that he is saving by time manipulation is all in his brain.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday Sept 8, - America Fairyville

The fairy. The fairy was tiny. About the size of a small child. It didn't have wings. However it did have elf shaped ears. Nobody could distinguish that it was a fairy except for its parents and sometimes hairdresser. Her name was Arianna. She brushed her hair into a way where it covered her ears completely while still being acceptable. Arianna had to worry about these things constantly. Whether she would be judged for her ears, or how she learned a bit slower than everyone else. She has had tutoring for her mental disabilities, but even her tutor doesn't know about what she really is. Arianna has always wanted to be a chef. But that dream is out of reach. To be a master chef she would have to go through culinary school; where the hair is required to be in a bun and out of the face with a hairnet. Anyone observant would  notice her features and would probably scream. She has overcome bullying when she was younger, for being slow. Her excuse always was English wasn't her first language but that never stopped them. Arianna is a fairy. Nobody suspects a thing.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday Aug 5, 2014 - King tut

King Tut was contacted by aliens. They appeared out of the sky one day and landed on a sand dune. The day was scorching but they didn't seem to care. They waltzed across the sand with their bare feet so to say. Gold was something that king tut had a lot of and they sure wanted it. Gold was something that was scarce for the aliens. They began to talk to the ruler in their language. When he didn't know what else to say they blasted him and turned him to ashes, grabbed all the gold for themselves then left. King tut was given a memorial. They mummified a random body and called it his own. And I am the only person that knows this.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday Aug 4, - Historical Accuracy

Cassandra walked out of her hotel. She hailed a taxi like she does every morning to get to work. She stares out the window and dozes off. The ride passes and she is awoken by the cab driver tapping her on the shoulder. "We're here" he says blatantly. "Thank you" she replies, and pays the cost of the cab and enters the skyscraper. She hitches a ride in the elevator when the building shakes uncontrollably. The elevator stops about only a few stories up the building, when the cable snaps and the elevator is sent hurdling to the bottom. Cassandra passes out from blood loss to the brain before the elevator hits.
She is awoken to bright lights coming from the hospital lights. She is very confused, but sees what seems to be playing in loops on the television. It's black and white but she can still see what appears to be a large disc object hover over the city. The UFO is as wide as the empire state building is tall.
She spends a few months in the hospital due to the fall, but when she finally emerges everything is anew.