Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday Aug 4, - Historical Accuracy

Cassandra walked out of her hotel. She hailed a taxi like she does every morning to get to work. She stares out the window and dozes off. The ride passes and she is awoken by the cab driver tapping her on the shoulder. "We're here" he says blatantly. "Thank you" she replies, and pays the cost of the cab and enters the skyscraper. She hitches a ride in the elevator when the building shakes uncontrollably. The elevator stops about only a few stories up the building, when the cable snaps and the elevator is sent hurdling to the bottom. Cassandra passes out from blood loss to the brain before the elevator hits.
She is awoken to bright lights coming from the hospital lights. She is very confused, but sees what seems to be playing in loops on the television. It's black and white but she can still see what appears to be a large disc object hover over the city. The UFO is as wide as the empire state building is tall.
She spends a few months in the hospital due to the fall, but when she finally emerges everything is anew.

1 comment:

  1. Constructive = I was a little confused at the end. You might want to reword it.
    Positive = the part where the elevator cord snaps was pretty cool
