Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10/21/14 Deja Vu

Caroline was awoken to the sounds of her dogs barking. A peculiar man in a white mask was peering through her bay window. A thought came into her head. She knows her crazy ex boyfriend, Tyler, still stalks her. He was abusive . Terrified for her safety; she ran upstairs to call the police, but to no avail. She tripped and fell knocking herself unconscious(like in every horror movie rite).
*present day*
Caroline found herself lying in a hospital bed. She had no recall of how she appeared in the hospital bed. The door handle unlatched and a man in a white lab coat walked in. He was followed by a muscular man; wearing a tank top with his tattoos showing. He did look very attractive she thought to herself but he also gave off a dark vibe. "Who is this, doctor?" she asked. "Oh this man's name is Harry". She looked over to him but he didn't pay much attention to her. She studied him as he twisted his curly hair. "What" he said. His voice was deep and raspy. Shaking her head she asked "Doctor how much longer until I can go home?"
"Well you hit your head very hard and you have some Amnesia. Maybe a mild concussion."
She sighed. "However, Harry is going to be your caretaker for the next week" he assured her.
*Later that day....*
"Harry I know how to take a pill; you don't have to help me". He simply glared at her. She grabbed the glass and drank her pain reliever. She walked over to the couch in her living room. The presence just did not feel right. "Harry" she called over worriedly. He didn't respond. She turned around and saw him rummaging through the fridge. Relieved she turned back around towards the window. A flash of an unidentifiable face crossed through her vision. She brushed it away though, probably just a side effect of the pain reliever. Curiosity got the best of her and she carefully approached the bay window. "Caroline I made dinner" she heard Harry's voice call to her. She turned to acknowledge him. Harry walked into the living room holding two bowls of mac and cheese, but he froze. "Caroline don't turn around." Harry pulls out his phone and dials some numbers that she could not make out. "Just come towards me quickly". She agreed fearfully. The window started to creak and she began to turn around. "Caroline don't" he sounded.. afraid? Ignoring his words she turned around and saw a large man wearing a white mask she had thought she'd seen before. She panicked and ran as quickly away as she could. The man broke through the window lunging for her. She screamed. She heard a crash but didn't feel anything. She looked over and saw the man on top of Harry. The door burst open her neighbors rushed inside "Hey we heard screaming..." The man in the mask got off of Harry; realizing the situation he rushed for the door. Two cop cars pulled up. "Thank god" caroline sighed.
Her neighbors stood there in shock for a second before recollecting themselves. "Hurry we need to get him to the hospital" the older man said pointing to Harry's bloody body. "He isn't breathing".
*The week after*
"Caroline thank you for taking me to dinner" Harry said calmly. She looked at him studying his face. His stitches looked out of place on his jaw but he was the most attractive man she had ever seen.
 "It was my way of making it up to you" she said nervously. He just stared at her, his expression blank. After a few moments his raspy voice spoke. "Don't think of it that way, I would want to spend time with you regardless" he sounded nervous.
"Lets do this again sometime."
two fanfics in one story.....

1 comment:

  1. Good job and slightly creepy. You could create a story of this masked man if you wanted to. it would be very good and creepy no doubt.
