Tuesday, October 28, 2014

10/28/14 Story

The yankee candle store is known for some of the most expensive and smelly scented candles in all of America. It's popularity boosted when the famous Ritchie Valens was reported to be seen there.
*present day*
"Darn it Barbara!" a voice echoes from the front room of the store. "I lost my dang keys again, I don't even want to be in this store!!! It was the only store for miles in this abandoned town I'm surprised anybody lives here". The store owner's head falls in shame. Ritchie Valens did not like his candles.
"However! These candles do smell amazing. Where is the owner of this store I would like to speak with him." The owner of the store rushes outside. "Here sir".
"These candles do smell quite delicious; I would like to buy a few." He reaches into his pocket and out falls his keys. He picks them up and places his candles onto the counter. "Have a good day" the owner calls when he finishes paying for them.

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