Friday, November 21, 2014

November 21, 2014 - Ekphrasis

The road
Walking under trees and canopy
bright colors all around
Lies a hidden road
Covered by dense foliage
lies a road
The road leads to
More of what you're seeing
as you continue to walk
Sunlight on your skin
you realize
it's the end of the road
for you

Friday, November 14, 2014

11/14/2014 - Berlin Wall

14 seconds. 14 seconds is the interval of time for each plane to take off. These planes were going to the trapped city of Berlin. They dropped food and supplies for those in need. The sending of planes continued for 2 years until the Berlin Wall was taken down. The two divided cities formed to be one.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

10/28/14 Story

The yankee candle store is known for some of the most expensive and smelly scented candles in all of America. It's popularity boosted when the famous Ritchie Valens was reported to be seen there.
*present day*
"Darn it Barbara!" a voice echoes from the front room of the store. "I lost my dang keys again, I don't even want to be in this store!!! It was the only store for miles in this abandoned town I'm surprised anybody lives here". The store owner's head falls in shame. Ritchie Valens did not like his candles.
"However! These candles do smell amazing. Where is the owner of this store I would like to speak with him." The owner of the store rushes outside. "Here sir".
"These candles do smell quite delicious; I would like to buy a few." He reaches into his pocket and out falls his keys. He picks them up and places his candles onto the counter. "Have a good day" the owner calls when he finishes paying for them.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10/21/14 Deja Vu

Caroline was awoken to the sounds of her dogs barking. A peculiar man in a white mask was peering through her bay window. A thought came into her head. She knows her crazy ex boyfriend, Tyler, still stalks her. He was abusive . Terrified for her safety; she ran upstairs to call the police, but to no avail. She tripped and fell knocking herself unconscious(like in every horror movie rite).
*present day*
Caroline found herself lying in a hospital bed. She had no recall of how she appeared in the hospital bed. The door handle unlatched and a man in a white lab coat walked in. He was followed by a muscular man; wearing a tank top with his tattoos showing. He did look very attractive she thought to herself but he also gave off a dark vibe. "Who is this, doctor?" she asked. "Oh this man's name is Harry". She looked over to him but he didn't pay much attention to her. She studied him as he twisted his curly hair. "What" he said. His voice was deep and raspy. Shaking her head she asked "Doctor how much longer until I can go home?"
"Well you hit your head very hard and you have some Amnesia. Maybe a mild concussion."
She sighed. "However, Harry is going to be your caretaker for the next week" he assured her.
*Later that day....*
"Harry I know how to take a pill; you don't have to help me". He simply glared at her. She grabbed the glass and drank her pain reliever. She walked over to the couch in her living room. The presence just did not feel right. "Harry" she called over worriedly. He didn't respond. She turned around and saw him rummaging through the fridge. Relieved she turned back around towards the window. A flash of an unidentifiable face crossed through her vision. She brushed it away though, probably just a side effect of the pain reliever. Curiosity got the best of her and she carefully approached the bay window. "Caroline I made dinner" she heard Harry's voice call to her. She turned to acknowledge him. Harry walked into the living room holding two bowls of mac and cheese, but he froze. "Caroline don't turn around." Harry pulls out his phone and dials some numbers that she could not make out. "Just come towards me quickly". She agreed fearfully. The window started to creak and she began to turn around. "Caroline don't" he sounded.. afraid? Ignoring his words she turned around and saw a large man wearing a white mask she had thought she'd seen before. She panicked and ran as quickly away as she could. The man broke through the window lunging for her. She screamed. She heard a crash but didn't feel anything. She looked over and saw the man on top of Harry. The door burst open her neighbors rushed inside "Hey we heard screaming..." The man in the mask got off of Harry; realizing the situation he rushed for the door. Two cop cars pulled up. "Thank god" caroline sighed.
Her neighbors stood there in shock for a second before recollecting themselves. "Hurry we need to get him to the hospital" the older man said pointing to Harry's bloody body. "He isn't breathing".
*The week after*
"Caroline thank you for taking me to dinner" Harry said calmly. She looked at him studying his face. His stitches looked out of place on his jaw but he was the most attractive man she had ever seen.
 "It was my way of making it up to you" she said nervously. He just stared at her, his expression blank. After a few moments his raspy voice spoke. "Don't think of it that way, I would want to spend time with you regardless" he sounded nervous.
"Lets do this again sometime."
two fanfics in one story.....

Thursday, October 16, 2014


pitter patter pitter patter
that's the sound rain makes
pitter patter
the sound when you're warming up to a blanket
pitter patter
the sound when you're trying to sleep
oh dang man you better get out of bed that lightning just struck the tree in your frontyard
pitter patter
the sound rain makes when you're rushing down the stairs
pitter patter
the sound rain makes when you're looking for water
"you're rain why wont you put out the fire"
pitter patter

Friday, October 10, 2014

10/10/14- Pet peeve

One of my biggest pet peeves is when its some white girls birthday. Basic white girl uggs, starbucks, leggings. When they come to school with huge balloons that get in your face where you can't see where you're going walking down the hallway; while they're sipping on their starbucks their dad bought while he was driving her to school. So you try to get some distance and the people behind you push you ahead. So what do you do; oh you try to go around. But suddenly a basic white girl appears and they both scream and the girl with the balloons flings around and knock you in the face causing you to be out of place in the hallway in the direction you're supposed to be going. Then they give you "the look" like it was your fault for her huge "sweet 16" knocked you in the face. I see this a lot. The basic white girl then keeps her head up higher than normal and is always facing straight; no matter what happens, thinking she's the most cute and important thing in the world when really she is just being obnoxious. IF this is you, no harm done, if you're just happy its your birthday. But when you do what I described intentionally or not its obnoxious so stop.

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, - Persona Poem

Johnny Depp
"Johnny wake up we have a movie to shoot"
Ah of course
"I would prefer you call me Jack."
"Why is that"
"Well if I'm going to receive my award for playing as Jack
then I expect to be treated as him for the day"
"Oh and bring me my Jar of dirt"
I slide down the stairs and land with striking pose at the bottom.
I've always been a bit childish.
"Sir you are not scheduled to receive an Oscar"
"They're mailing it to us Jack relax."
"My name is Johnny."
"But you said..."
"Quiet squire i'm going to make us breakfast"
I stumble into the kitchen and grab a pan and pancake mix.
"Johnny you are supposed to mix it in a bowl first"
"Squire I know how to cook"
I mix the ingredients and decide to take a nap
squire should watch the stove for me.
I slept through the day
when I wake my precious jar of dirt is on my nightstand.
I gaze into it.
This jar of dirt won me an Oscar??

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Tuesday Sept 22, - Alphabet story

A man walked into a bar and spotted his best friend.

"Bestie hey what's up."

"Cleaning up the bar man, what about you."

"Dunno" he said spotting the record player.

Excitedly he walked towards it.

"Fun fun fun" he exclaimed.

"Good golly it looks even better up close."

"How about you give it a try" his friend said.

"I would love to."

Johnny turned on the record player to gangnam style.

"Killing it!!!"

Laughing, Johnny realized he was very tired.

"Man I could sure use a break" he sighed.

"No breaks keep dancing."
"Oh man I need to sit down"
Press on never give up he thought
Quite the doozy he had dancing
Right then he collapsed
Shockingly he kept dancing
Twist twist turn dance
Ugh he groaned in tiredness
Very tired
Waiting for his friend
Young man dead man


Wednesday Sept 24, - Endearing quality

My endearing quality is to make people laugh. Whether crude humor or a silly joke I will always try if you have an open perspective towards me. If you make me feel welcome I will make you laugh. I will say some of the stupidest things and ask the dumbest questions. But that's okay in my opinion. When you're around a true friend the little thing that you say or do wont really affect their perspective towards you.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday Sept 16, - Spoon's perspective

A very dirty object
needing to be cleaned
oh no here comes the human don't see me
Oh my what's this how could I miss this spoon
I should probably wash it
In the dishwasher you go :)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday Sept. 11, - Music Critique

"Pumped up Kicks". It is a song by Foster the People. I personally like this song it has a nice beat and its not to let you down. However, the lyrics, not the way they are written. Moreover that how the lyrics are sung sound weak and are nearly overshadowed by the beat behind them. However I feel that this is done purposely or that the singers have bad vocals. Some parts that I don't like about this song is the amount of voice changing, and auto tune used. Overall I like it.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday Sept 9, Film Review

Hugo. Hugo is a boy who hangs from clocks. He controls time. But he does so by manipulation. He brings many clocks into space and swings on them to change time. Hugo looks about ten. But that doesn't stop him, no it only increases his courage to swing from clocks in space. You may ask how he is breathing. Well he uses his imagination you see. None of this is real its just all inside his mind. So the world that he is saving by time manipulation is all in his brain.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Monday Sept 8, - America Fairyville

The fairy. The fairy was tiny. About the size of a small child. It didn't have wings. However it did have elf shaped ears. Nobody could distinguish that it was a fairy except for its parents and sometimes hairdresser. Her name was Arianna. She brushed her hair into a way where it covered her ears completely while still being acceptable. Arianna had to worry about these things constantly. Whether she would be judged for her ears, or how she learned a bit slower than everyone else. She has had tutoring for her mental disabilities, but even her tutor doesn't know about what she really is. Arianna has always wanted to be a chef. But that dream is out of reach. To be a master chef she would have to go through culinary school; where the hair is required to be in a bun and out of the face with a hairnet. Anyone observant would  notice her features and would probably scream. She has overcome bullying when she was younger, for being slow. Her excuse always was English wasn't her first language but that never stopped them. Arianna is a fairy. Nobody suspects a thing.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday Aug 5, 2014 - King tut

King Tut was contacted by aliens. They appeared out of the sky one day and landed on a sand dune. The day was scorching but they didn't seem to care. They waltzed across the sand with their bare feet so to say. Gold was something that king tut had a lot of and they sure wanted it. Gold was something that was scarce for the aliens. They began to talk to the ruler in their language. When he didn't know what else to say they blasted him and turned him to ashes, grabbed all the gold for themselves then left. King tut was given a memorial. They mummified a random body and called it his own. And I am the only person that knows this.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday Aug 4, - Historical Accuracy

Cassandra walked out of her hotel. She hailed a taxi like she does every morning to get to work. She stares out the window and dozes off. The ride passes and she is awoken by the cab driver tapping her on the shoulder. "We're here" he says blatantly. "Thank you" she replies, and pays the cost of the cab and enters the skyscraper. She hitches a ride in the elevator when the building shakes uncontrollably. The elevator stops about only a few stories up the building, when the cable snaps and the elevator is sent hurdling to the bottom. Cassandra passes out from blood loss to the brain before the elevator hits.
She is awoken to bright lights coming from the hospital lights. She is very confused, but sees what seems to be playing in loops on the television. It's black and white but she can still see what appears to be a large disc object hover over the city. The UFO is as wide as the empire state building is tall.
She spends a few months in the hospital due to the fall, but when she finally emerges everything is anew.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Aug 29 - Two Moons

A poem
Submarine stuck in a storm
Reveals itself above the water
Beneath Two Moons
Constellations different
Minds fuzzy
Will they ever make it home
Only time to tell

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Thursday Aug 28, - Space, 2199

A poem

Nora and Hank
Stuck in a Crisis
Galaxy Collapsing
Oh no lets go
All aboard the spaceship
From Star Trek or Star Wars
Quickly though there’s no time
Flying past Mars a boom

All out of ideas Nora has an idea
Quickly Hank let’s run
How we’re in space



Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wednesday Aug 27, - Animal Invention

Cats. Cats are good at balancing using their tails and light frame. An invention that can be made to achieve this for humans is a diet pill achieved to lower bone structure making them more easily to break, but will achieve a less top heavy frame allowing the user to become more balanced on their feet. Another invention that can be developed is a surgically attached tail. An aesthetic tail that is attached with a clip will have almost no benefit for the user besides making them look super stylish. However, our surgically attached tail will provide stability and style for any user. A tail is a more safe option compared to the pill as it will not decrease bone density, but if you combine them both then they will give major benefits to the user as well as a super stylish tail.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Tuesday Aug 26, - Concert

Today is the day of my concert. My concert, no one of the bands I like to listen to is playing. Their fan base is mainly teenage girls but whatever it relates to my life and I like how they sound, so naturally I chose to see them live. Their music mainly consisted of the natural pop but over time they have attained a rock sound to them. Stepping into the arena I am greeted with some dudes here and there but mostly girls not like I'm complaining. The five boys ran onto stage cheeky as ever and the entire stadium shook with all the screams. Ouch ears. The concert went by insanely quick. They get lots of hate but they are talented in their voices.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday Aug 25, - Literary Character

Tessa was a very innocent teenager. Her mom excluded her from anything inappropriate or obscene. She had grey eyes that appeared a light blue from afar. This changed when she was due to attend a university to continue her career. Tessa met a frat boy named Harry. He was very much the opposite of her. Attending parties and the like was the usual for him. Skipping class mostly, but that really didn't matter so much because his father was the head dean of the university so it gave him some lead way to do whatever he pleased. Harry had many tattoos and piercings. Tessa had blonde hair and was pretty much "pure" in every sense.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday, Aug 22 - Wacky Words

The tribe of Pink Elephants were very secluded. Their main goal was to collect sapphire. Sapphire is the currency used by the Pink Elephants. You see the Pink Elephants weren't always pink, they dyed themselves pink using currency of the sapphire to buy pink dye. However over the last few days the Pink Elephants have run out of sapphire, so they are going on an adventure to search for them. The sapphires were also worn by the Pink Elephants to show social status for one another. The more sapphires you had the more the Pink Elephants respected you. However the reason that Pink Elephants aren't around today is because they are extinct and were hunted for their sapphire jewels for currency. There are only remains of the Pink Elephants and their sapphire jewels but this story of the Pink Elephants is totally legit.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thursday, Aug 21 - Mystery Lady

Well this painting is very interesting, it would have been a good topic for "The Scariest Place" blog I did a few days ago. She is trying to be normal and fit in but her features are not very symmetrical. It looks as so the painter tried to paint a portrait and the front but got mixed up and it created this jumbled mess. She is very fashionable with her green stitched together top and a quilt of many colors for a skirt. She also needs to visit a beauty parlor or some DIY stuff because those nails are way too long. Her name is, Dora Maar au Chat, therefore she must be very sophisticated. Dora, never really fitted in, however she liked to be unique because it was something special for her. Every morning she would awake and walk to her bathroom where she is met with a cracked mirror. Her family tried to fix it but it was no use it cracked every time she looked at it which is very terrible. She is very fashionable and won that award but really is was out of sympathy for her, to boost self esteem.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wed Aug 20, - Alterego

SpongeBob was once a happy cheerful sponge. He made people laugh, he also made them annoyed, squidward. However this changed when spongebob was told to be more normal. He tried to be normal.  He started to talk normally, do work normally, by bringing a cubicle and computer to work and printed out  paper krabby patties and served them as is, and did normal things. SpongeBob became normal through his appearance. His square body exceedingly turned round. He talked very boring and monotone and it was not a good stage of spongebob.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Tueday Aug 19, - Scariest place

The scariest place on Earth. It was once said this is where magic happens. When it starts it is a dreadful experience, and are therefore stuck for the remainder of the year until it ends. This place is school. School has some upsides, friends. Well that is basically it. The rest you are given boring assignments and whether you fall asleep during a lecture can result in your future away from this dreadful experience to be prolonged. The crowds consist of the overconfident jocks with their under armor and nike apparel to the nerds with their star trek outfits and short but messy hairstyle. The main reason school is very dreadful is due to the fact you have to wake up around 6 am when you would rather sleep in. However the assignments can be fun, group activities, or super long projects that require a presentation, weeks of research, preparing, and you barely pass. Like ok. Not a very happy place.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Aug 15, - Kindergarten

Cassandra woke on an early Monday morning. She thought to herself, "Oh, I might try and watch the 10 o' clock cartoons today", but today was not going to be that kind of day. About a split second after she finished wiping her eyes from sleep, "CASSANDRA SCHOOL." School? Oh, yeah today was the first day of kindergarten. "Coming", she called. She proceeded to grab her uniform from her dresser, a long dress with dress shoes. "Oh, my hair wow." Cassandra grabbed the brush and proceeded to brush the knots out of her hair, but it just didn't look right. "Forget it, I'll just tie it." She grabbed a bow that complimented the dress' colors. The door creaked open, "Hon, you look nice today" her dad told her sleepily. She simply nodded. "Alright, well we need to get a move on, don't want to be late on your first day you know."

The ride to school was much different. The nervousness has set in with thoughts creeping to her head.

"What if they don't like how I look."

"What will I do if I get lost.."

"Cassandra we're here" her dad broke her out of her thoughts. She stepped out of the car nervously while adjusting her bow. "Relax, you look fine" she told herself. "I'll pick you up at three okay?" her dad said calmly. Nodding, she walked towards the steps and waved goodbye to her dad. The school did look worse than it actually was, but that thought didn't relax her. Instead, it excited her. That excitement only amplified, but not in a good way, when the bell rang and a mob of students rushed past her through the doors. "Sweetie, you need to get to class" an older lady quietly said. "But I don't.. It's my first day.." she said shakily. The lady waved her hand in a "come here" motion and Cassandra did as she was told and followed the gray haired lady to her first class.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wednesday Aug, 14 - Gross

Have you ever seen those Lays chips at the grocery store that were all these word flavors. Well if you ever wanted to express your inner white girl there is a flavor called cappuccino. And let me tell you how awful this tasted. Now I am not a very big coffee drinker but I was hungry so I grabbed this and that was a huge mistake. By the looks of this it has a cup of cappuccino, like okay so they took this flavor and put it on chips so its like a win win for me because I won't feel thirsty either right no. I would have rather ran down to Starbucks and ordered one of the most expensive drinks they have, and I would be laughed at in the process, than eat this stuff. It is considered a "Taste Test" product as it is nothing serious and is a part of the "Lay's do us a flavor potato chips" event. These had a distinct coffee smell so I ate a few to see the taste and it tasted cinnamony and buttery and all the types of flavors that should not go on potato chips. Gross.
Review ^

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Wednesday Aug, 13 - Animal

I have become one with the humans. They do not realize that I am a shark just yet. They started showing up to my home around a week ago it was very strange. These humans they seem like very smart creatures, however I will become much smarter in time. I don't know what they are trying to achieve by studying me but it is very frustrating. I have met a small pudgy man filming me, his device has a globe and some writing on it and what appears to be a picture of what is me. They film me from early in the morning and leave just before sunset it is very strange to me.

Day 2
Whatever is happening it has become a daily thing. I have started to communicate with the humans by splashing the water and I can hear the same pudgy man say, "This is great for the ratings." I have since become very fond of them as whatever device they are using is always pointed on me, and they look very pleased whenever I excite my dull life.
Day 3
The things that are happening have been happening to all the buds I know, and I don't know why. They must seem smarter than me as some of the sharks have identified that the device is a camera and we are becoming world famous by each day. We are calling it "Shark Week".
Day 4
What have I done. I must have lost the attention of the humans, because they drove their fishing boat right past me I don't understand but I feel really hungry and they were feeding me so I don't know.
Day 5
I am very angry. The humans have just abandoned me I was one of the fittest sharks in the ocean but they just choose to ignore me. My buddies have told me its normal and they come back every year. So, it must be true that we are the smarter one if they come to study us each time. However they are trying to become the smarter one by acquiring superior knowledge but it will not happen. Next year I will ruin their little "Shark Week".